The ASCE 7 standard is not a simple standard to follow and apply to “Real World” situations. Therefore, we have written an E-Book to illustrate some common problems that are encountered in structural design.
The E-Book is purchased online at our store for $50. If it’s purchased in combination with MecaWind the user will receive a discount. To take advantage of this discount, add MecaWind to your shopping cart and then you will see the discounted E-Book offered at the bottom of the page.
The E-book offers the following guidance to users:
- Compares each structure using ASCE 7-22 and ASCE 7-16, and shows the results using both methods.
- (Previous version available for purchase compares ASCE 7-16 and ASCE 7-10)
- (Previous version available for purchase compares ASCE 7-10 and ASCE 7-05)
- Several different methods are used for each structure (Simplified, Envelope, Simple Diaphragm, etc..)
- Examples are worked manually, and then using MecaWind, and both results are presented. This gives the user a detailed comparison of the software results and manual calculations.
- The EBook offers the following examples:
a. Building 35 ft wide x 70 ft long with flat roof
b. Building 150 ft x 300 ft x 157 ft High with 3′ Solid Parapet
c. “L” shaped house
d. Open building 20′ x 40′ with Pitched Roof - A copy of all MecaWind input files is provided, so that the user can open the file and look at it interactively.
Click here to get a preview of the Ebook.
How quickly can I get the EBook?
You can download it almost immediately after purchasing.
Do I need anything special to view the EBook?
The E-Book is a pdf file that can be viewed with Adobe Reader, which is free at www.adobe.com.
Is the EBook for ASCE 7-05 or ASCE 7-10?
Both, the E-Book compares the results from both codes so that you can see the differences in the code. We now have two versions, the most recent version compares ASCE 7-10 and ASCE 7-16, while the previous version compares ASCE 7-05 and ASCE 7-10.
How do I purchase the EBook at the discounted price?
Add MecaWind to your shopping cart, and then you will see a special discounted offer for the EBook at the bottom of your page.
Refunds must occur within 72 hours of purchase and for any time after which store credit will be considered on a case by case basis. The customer will need to email [email protected] with their refund request with proof of purchase attached.