Articles | Meca Enterprises


Custom Roof

Custom Roof

The Custom Roof option in MecaWind Ultimate will not solve all of your custom building problems, but it will handle some specific challenges that designers may face. The Custom Roof option is available for gabled, monoslope, and flat roofs in the Ultimate version of...

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Stack Supported on Structure

Stack Supported on Structure

There are many real-world examples of steel stacks or chimneys supported on top of another structure.  This could be a space frame, building or another piece of equipment such as a heater. The supporting structure can introduce flexibility to the system, and this...

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ASCE 7-22 Wind Load Changes

ASCE 7-22 Wind Load Changes

There are several changes included in the ASCE 7-22 'Minimum Design Loads and Associated Criteria for Buildings and Other Structures' related to wind load calculations. This article will attempt to summarize the major changes to the wind load calculations.Chapter 26:...

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Wind Loads on Tanks

Wind Loads on Tanks

In the ASCE 7-16 publication, new sections were added to address wind loads on tanks, bins, and silos.  All three of these structures (tanks, bins, and silos) are handled exactly the same, since all of these structures are basically the same structure but with...

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Steel Stack Deflection

Steel Stack Deflection

When designing a stack should steel stack deflection be a concern?  It's a good question and one that comes up frequently,  The design standards give some guidance, but the standards vary in how they handle steel stack deflection and there is some room for...

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Wind Loads at Elevations

Wind Loads at Elevations

In designing structures we typically want to calculate wind loads at elevations that are important for the structure.  Some tall buildings have each floor being the same height and other structures such as the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona which is completely...

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Stack Conical Transition Analysis

Stack Conical Transition Analysis

Analysis of a conical transition isn't as simply as looking at just the section properties along the cone. Cone-cylinder junctions are areas of high discontinuity stresses. They have unbalanced radial loads from the axial and bending loads it sees, as well as...

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