MecaStack considers the stack as a series of beam elements. The loads are applied to each element, therefore it is most convenient to simulate the wind loads on the ladders and platforms by applying them as uniformly distributed wind loads. To do this we need to calculate the wind load per unit length of stack. The wind areas calculated have the units [Length^2 / Length] which effectively reduce to [Length]. This can be physically interpreted as the wind area that exists in 1 linear foot (or meter) of stack.
The following is the basis for the loads used within MecaStack:
Ladder Only:
Area = 0.5 ft^2/ft [0.15 m^2/m] Wt = 15 lb/ft [22.3 Kg/m]
Caged Ladder Only:
Area = 0.75 ft^2/ft [0.23 m^2/m] Wt = 23 lb/ft [34.2 Kg/m]
Caged ladder w/ Platform every 30 ft [9.1 m]:
Area = 1.0 ft^2/ft [0.30 m^2/m] Wt = 35 lb/ft [52.1 Kg/m]
Cf = Shape Factor for L&P {Default 2.0}
Wind_Area = Area * Cf {ft or m}
Total_Wind_Area = Wind_Area * (Length of Ladder)