Articles | Meca Enterprises


Wind Loads on Freestanding Walls

Wind Loads on Freestanding Walls

This article addresses the method used to calculate wind loads on a freestanding wall.  This calculation follows the same method as that used for solid signs, which we have covered in a previous article.  The calculation of wind loads on freestanding walls is most...

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Anchor Bolt Pretension

Anchor Bolt Pretension

There is nothing simple about recommending anchor bolt pretension, ask ten engineers and you could get eleven different recommendations.  Meca has done all of the research in order to try to resolve this topic once and for least until the next anchor bolt...

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Wind Loads on Solid Signs

Wind Loads on Solid Signs

While in a dream driving down the highway, I saw the image shown above and I thought to myself that this must be a sign.   I was correct, it was a sign. A sign that we need to write an article explaining how to calculate wind loads on solid signs.  Although this...

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Anchor Bolt Design

Anchor Bolt Design

MecaStack performs anchor bolt designs for tensile and shear loads, using some common codes.  This hasn't always been true, starting in v5534 some new standards were added and this article explains the technical details associated with these new options.  New design...

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Wind Load on a Canopy

Wind Load on a Canopy

ASCE 7-16 added a new option to address wind loads on a canopy attached to a building with a h <= 60 ft [18.3 m].   This new criteria for canopies is addressed in ASCE 7-16 Section 30.11, and since it is in Section 30, the canopy is classified as Components and...

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Too Close for Comfort

Too Close for Comfort

How close can you space stacks?  It's a common question, and one that doesn't have a simple answer.  There are several factors that should be considered, and I'm going to go over those factors in this article.  The Theory: When two cylinders are closely spaced and the...

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Wind Load on Parapets

Wind Load on Parapets

ASCE 7 has multiple methods for calculating wind loads on a Parapet.  In the context of a building design, a parapet is a low protective wall along the edge of a roof.  It could be used to hide equipment on the roof and it can also serve as a barrier to provide some...

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Navigating the Output Like a Boss

Navigating the Output Like a Boss

There are many useful features within the output window that can save the designer time and energy.  Here is a video to illustrate these features and how to navigate the calculation output.

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