Articles | Meca Enterprises


Wind on Rooftop Structures and Equipment

Wind on Rooftop Structures and Equipment

ASCE 7 has a method for calculating wind loads on rooftop Structures and equipment for buildings, and this article will describe that method.  Fortunately, the method is relatively straight forward, not too complicated, and is covered in ASCE 7-16 Section 29.4.1What...

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Fastest-Mile Wind Speed

Fastest-Mile Wind Speed

Many times we have the difficult task of analyzing a structure that was designed long ago.  In such cases, you may find that the wind speed  used may appear significantly lower than the wind speed you would expect for that location using today's standards.  In these...

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Climbing the Ladder

Climbing the Ladder

MecaStack allows the user to enter ladders and platforms on their stack. These are considered an appurtenance, and not adding any structural stiffness to the stack. MecaStack does consider the wind area and weight added by these ladders and platforms, which can be...

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ASCE 7 Wind on Stacks and Similar

ASCE 7 Wind on Stacks and Similar

This article will explain how to calculate wind loads per ASCE 7 on stacks/chimneys and similar structures.  ASCE 7-16, Chapter 29 covers "Other Structures".   This is a very broad section that covers a lot of different types of structures.  Even if you don't design...

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Troitsky Breach Analysis

Troitsky Breach Analysis

This article covers the Troitsky Breach Analysis method.  A breach is an opening in the cylindrical shell of the stack that compromises its structural integrity. This is usually either a rectangular ducting connection or a cylindrical pipe nozzle penetrating the stack...

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Wind Wizard

Wind Wizard

MecaWind has many features and options within the software, which can be both a blessing and a curse.  It gives the user greater control over the results they obtain, but for the novice user it can be overwhelming to understand what is being requested with each...

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Piggy-Back Stacks

Piggy-Back Stacks

We often get the question of how to model a Tandem or Piggy back stack in MecaStack. One can be handled by the software and the other cannot. Piggy-Back Stacks:A Piggy-Back stack is one where one or more stack is supported by another stack. Usually the biggest stack...

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How to Find Wind Pressure on Solar Panels

How to Find Wind Pressure on Solar Panels

In this article we will investigate the procedure for calculating the design wind pressure on rooftop solar panels per ASCE 7-16 design code. I feel like the best way to describe this procedure is by working through an example, and that's just what we will do. For...

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