MecaWind Archives | Meca Enterprises


Custom Roof

Custom Roof

The Custom Roof option in MecaWind Ultimate will not solve all of your custom building problems, but it will handle some specific challenges that designers may face. The Custom Roof option is available for gabled, monoslope, and flat roofs in the Ultimate version of...

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Wind Loads at Elevations

Wind Loads at Elevations

In designing structures we typically want to calculate wind loads at elevations that are important for the structure.  Some tall buildings have each floor being the same height and other structures such as the Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona which is completely...

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Fastest-Mile Wind Speed

Fastest-Mile Wind Speed

Many times we have the difficult task of analyzing a structure that was designed long ago.  In such cases, you may find that the wind speed  used may appear significantly lower than the wind speed you would expect for that location using today's standards.  In these...

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Base Reactions in MecaWind

Base Reactions in MecaWind

There can be confusion from users on how to read and interpret the MecaWind Base Reactions that are provided by the MecaWind software program.   There is a lot of data presented, and it can become overwhelming.  This article is intended to help explain how MecaWind...

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I Feel the Need to Change Wind Speed

I Feel the Need to Change Wind Speed

It was Tom Cruise in "Top Gun" who once said, "I feel the need, the need for speed".  I sometimes wonder if Tom Cruise is on the ASCE 7 committee, because it feels like they have the need to change the wind speed basis with every new release of ASCE 7.  I'm not...

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Tornado Alley

Tornado Alley

I live in Oklahoma and during the Spring and Fall seasons we tend to have a lot of tornadoes, and that's why this part of the country is part of the region dubbed "Tornado Alley."  Since our company sells the MecaWind software, we sometimes get asked whether MecaWind...

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